Wesley Magee

Nov 14, 20161 min

Wrap-up: #Data16 Tweets from the Tableau Conference

With the Tableau Conference 2016 in the rear view mirror I thought it would be entertaining to take a look at all of the tweet action over the past week.

Take a look at the viz below that tracked #Data16 from November 3rd through the 11th. As you might expect Tuesday was the most popular day (the first full day of action) and 9am was the most popular time (the time for most of the keynotes). Congrats to @lewandog, @sethjwalters, @databrit, @AMTripathi3, @jkizzlerocks, @cheeky_chappie, @KMHobbie, and @ktfontno for not being a company and still making the top ten.

I plan to post soon about how I collected this information, so stay tuned.

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