"Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn't really do it, they just saw something." - Steve Jobs
One of the first lessons I had in data visualization was comparable to a lesson I received from photography: Learn from what you love.
By looking at the work of others you can quickly identify aspects of design that you are attracted to and that work for you. Don't be limited by deliverables created in your product of choice (Tableau, Power BI, Spotfire, etc.). Just ask questions: what does their viz accomplish? How can I do that in my software of choice? What aspects of their dashboard do I like? What is it about those details that I like?
One of the worst kept secrets in the data visualization community is this one stop shop for some of the best data art on the web. As highlighted by their annual awards, they collect and curate a large amount of infographics and data visuals. It's a complete buffet of inspiration.
A blog run by Jeffrey Schaffer with some of the best Tableau bending chart examples available. Jeffery often uses Bezier Curves in order to use 3D space or create arcs while plotting his data.
Nadieh Bremer creates stunning visual art using data and a number of different tools. I recommend checking out some of her chord diagrams.
A data visualization firm that blurs the lines between art, data, and social good.
A well known designer and contributor in the Power BI space, this is Chris Wagner's personal blog and portfolio.
This is the Tableau Public profile of one of my favorite data designers and former co-workers, Hunter Barrett.